Our students will state proudly that they went after their dreams, sought out and nourished robust, life-giving relationships and fulfilled their purpose in their own unique way. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: “Too many people die with the music still in them.” We encourage our students “to sing their own special song, dance their own special dance.” Above all, Mountain Cambridge School is a happy place; a place where “every child matters”.

We will strive at MCS to ensure a happy child through:

High Standards & Stated Expectations

Passionate, Nurturing & Inclusive School

Cambridge Curriculum: Internationally Recognised Qualification & Bench-marking

Small Learning Communities

Analytical & Creative Thinking : Edward De Bono Lateral Thinking

 “Whole-Brain”/Creative Teaching Strategy

Positive Behaviour Support

Bully-Free Zone

Disciplined but relaxed environment which is conducive to learning

Interactive Playground

Reading Programme

SENCO Programme

Mentorship Programme

Leadership Programmes

Partnerships with our Parents as our Stakeholders

On-Going Professional Development

Sport and Culture Development

Community Service