Why Mountain Cambridge is a Thinking School?
Our focus is to help learners become life-long learners who are effective, confident, independent and thoughtful members of our community.
The Mountain Cambridge curriculum is based on student centred learning and uur mission is to develop and deeply imbed the Thinking tools into our curriculum.
We focus on developing a common thinking language as well as a repertoire of skills and strategies for the learners to call upon and develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
The ipiGogo
Our Thinking Mascot is a visual reminder of what we do at Mountian Cambidge. We are reminded that we value our school and we are strongly rooted in the MCS ways. He reminds us to make smart choices, using Habits of Mind and to think creativley.
Our ipiGogo reminds us that we are a thinking school and that we use different thinking tools and our focus is based on a learner-centred approach. Our mascot encourages us to make sure that all our thinking tools are incorporated in our lessons and deeply imbedded in our learners.