This is the framework which guides the children of our school to behave in a positive manner. It creates a culture of learning and teaching through a discipline system that protects all the students’ right to effective education, their right to human dignity and their right to security.

MCS has compiled this code in co-operation with the students, teachers and parents. It will be updated regularly. The Code of Conduct is based on Section 8 of the SA Schools Act (84) of 1996. School discipline has two main goals: (1) ensure the safety of staff and students, and (2) create an environment conducive to learning.

A MCS student is expected to uphold the values of the school and to represent our school in the most responsible way possible.

The ethos of The Mountain Cambridge School is one of nurturing and support so that each child can be the best that he/she can be. MCS aims to guide and develop children so that they are ready to contribute effectively to their world in the future. Education is not only the responsibility of the teachers, but also of the students and parents.

The values taught and upheld by MCS are many but MCS focusses on: tolerance, independence, friendliness, helpfulness, responsibility, self-discipline and promptness. Our school motto, “Real world ready” is based upon 6 core values: hard work, honesty, respect, discipline, trust and enthusiasm. These values serve as a compass pointing out what it means to be true to oneself. Honouring these values will guide our students in fulfilling their goals. Each child is expected to complete his/her work to the best of his/her ability and to complete all work with enthusiasm and pride.


The Code of Conduct is a key step in fulfilling our Board of Director’s commitment to make our school safe by promoting respect, responsibility and civility. Students, teachers, staff and parents have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this Code we are setting clear, consistent standards of behaviour that will help accomplish this goal. Our school’s behaviour policy is based on our school’s values and our aim is to promote behaviour improvement as a means of improving learning and teaching.

Our aim with these rules is to help our students learn self-control, respect for themselves and have respect for others, and to learn this very important lesson: “Self-discipline controls my consequences”. We want our students to take pride in themselves, their behaviour and their school by always setting a good example. We want to create a disciplined but relaxed environment which is conducive to learning.

Dress code

The school uniform is compulsory and the proper school uniform must be worn at all times and to school functions (unless stated otherwise). All students participating in approved school activities are expected to comply with the required dress code and personal appearance regulations of the activity in which they are participating. No variation from the uniform specified in the admission document will be permitted. Any item that is not listed may be confiscated if worn by a student. Any sloppy or untidy appearance will not be tolerated. Infringements of the dress/uniform code will result in removal from the class until the student’s appearance is satisfactory.

  • The school uniform is compulsory and the proper uniform must be worn at all times and to school functions (unless stated otherwise).
  • The formal school uniform is compulsory during assemblies every Friday.
  • Track-suit tops and windbreakers may not be worn with the school uniform.
  • Students’ uniforms should look neat and students should be groomed and well-presented at all times. Boys need to be clean shaven, no facial hair is allowed.
  • Boys’ pants shall be worn securely at the waist, no abdomen skin or underwear is to be exposed.
  • Boys’ shirts are to be kept tucked in at all times.
  • Girls’ skirts are not to be shorter than 10 cm above the knee.
  • All students participating in approved school activities are expected to comply with the required dress code and personal appearance regulations of the activity in which they are participating.
  • Formal uniforms are worn when students attend any school function or school outing.

Hair and appearance:

  • No make-up will be allowed.
  • Nails are to be clean, short and neat at all times, clear nail polish may be worn.
  • Girls only: Visible pierced jewellery shall be limited to one piercing per earlobe, only small sleepers or stud earrings may be worn.
  • No jewellery including rings, except a watch, may be worn.
  • Students’ hair has to be neat, clean and well groomed.
  • Fringes must be neat and kept out of the face line.
  • No hair gel, highlighting or colouring of hair will be allowed.
  • No Mohawks, patterns, definite step or any uneven proportioned hair cut will be allowed. (short back & sides for boys).
  • Decorations, symbols, mottos, or designs imprinted or attached to the body or clothing, which are offensive to good taste or the maintenance of decorum, or which advertise tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or which identify the students as members of secret anti-social groups or gangs, shall not be worn to school or school functions.
  • Ethnic hair styles must meet school’s approval.


  • A strong, partitioned suitcase, clearly marked with name
  • No wheely bags allowed, our school embraces a “wheely-free” environment.
  • No graffiti is allowed on bags
  • Lockers are assigned to all LSL – AS2 / A level students.

Cell phones/ I Pods/ MP 3s/ Tablets or any other electronic equipment:

  • No cell phones will be allowed during school hours.
  • Students are encouraged to not bring their cell phones to school. Any communication with their parents will be through the school’s front office.
  • Cell phones must be switched off during school time and can only be used after school. If seen or detected during school hours, the cell phone will be confiscated for two weeks.
  • If students bring cell phones to school, then it is with the understanding that MCS will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or theft thereof, including confiscated cell phones.
  • It is on the onus of the student to take responsibility for the safekeeping of his/her cell phone at all times.

Policy on late comers/punctuality/truancy

  • School starts at 07:30 – students must be lined up in the quad by then for registration.
  • Late comers must report to the Administration Office to receive an Entry Slip (if the reason is valid) or a Late Slip.
  • Three late slips will result in a Friday
  • Truancy from a class is a serious offence. Repeated truancy may lead to suspension.
  • If a student feels ill during school they have to report to the LEAP Centre (parents will be contacted if deemed necessary).
  • If an appointment is scheduled during school hours (which should be avoided) a note from parents must be handed into the Administration Office from where an early departure slip will be issued.
  • Any child collected from school before the end of a school day can only leave if a parent has signed the Admin Exit register at our Admin offices and has asked in advance permission via email or telephonically 24 hours prior from the Headmaster for the early departure.
  • If absent during an examination or standardised test, a valid medical certificate must be produced.
  • Access to examination rooms will not be allowed a half an hour after commencement of exams.

Substance abuse and prohibited items

  • Possession of, dealing in or using alcohol or drugs/stimulants i.e. Red bull, Monster, is strictly prohibited.
  • A ZERO TOLERANCE policy on banned substances will be adhered to.
  • Possession of pornographic material is prohibited.
  • Possession of or smoking cigarettes is prohibited.
  • No weapons of any kind may be brought to school (i.e. guns, knives ). A zero tolerance policy will be adhered to.
  • The Principal & staff will bear responsibility and will do everything in her/his power to ensure that MCS remains a drug free zone.
  • Suitable education, guidance and monitoring programmes will be conducted at MCS.
  • Appropriate actions will be taken in cases of infringements of this policy.
  • The best interests of the school as a whole will be considered paramount.


  • Only AS 2 students, who are in possession of a valid driver’s license and a letter of consent from their parents, may approach the Principal to request permission to drive on the grounds.
  • Once permission has been granted, cars may only be parked in the designated areas.
  • Note the speed limit; one may not exceed 25 km/hour.
  • This privilege may be withdrawn at any time if there is abuse of these rules.
  • Cars are parked at own risk. The school is not responsible for any damage or theft caused to vehicles parked on our grounds.


Only students, who are in possession of a valid motorbike’s license and a letter of consent from their parents, may approach the Principal to request permission to drive in the grounds.

  • Once permission has been granted, motorbikes may only be parked in the designated areas.
  • Note the speed limit; one may not exceed 25 km/hour.
  • This privilege may be withdrawn at any time if there is abuse of these rules.
  • Motorbikes are parked at own risk. The school is not responsible for any damage or theft caused to motorbikes parked on our grounds.
  • Obey traffic rules – do not drive alongside each other.

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS can be awarded to the students for:

  • good values and positive attitudes;
  • sportsmanship;
  • recycling efforts;
  • cultural activities;
  • community service;
  • academic effort.
  1. House teams

The house teams, Darwin, Maxwell and Newton, are named after famous scientists who were Cambridge University students.

Points are awarded to the house teams for acts of individual and group goodwill deeds including community work and school service. A competition is generated each term to inspire the children and increase house spirit.

  1. Good work certificates

  • These should be issued as a reward for a concerted and positive work ethic.
  • Good work certificates will be issued at the educator’s discretion.
  • The educator shall consciously seek to allow every child an opportunity to earn good work certificates at the end of each exam series.